The Red Line


Powers: Light manipulation. Can create hard light projectiles, dazzle with aurora borealis like effects and create minor illusions.

Strength: 4

Agility: 7

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 7

Speed: 6

Fighting: 6

Anna Davies was a young girl that was a superfan of the Grey Cadre heroine Battle Babe, ever since she won a “spend a day with a heroine” competition. Horrified by the fall of the tower and the chaos that followed, she vowed to one day be able to restore the memory of the Cadre.

When her powers activated, she went through a rigorous self-created training routine before beginning her career as a rogue heroine patrolling her native Franklin sector. Clashing on occasion with the local gangs and crossing paths with some less than entirely honest corporate soldiers but creating a good working relationship with the city security forces she gained some renown as the sector got a reputation for being peaceful and safe which only rose after she singlehandedly defeated the rampaging pyromaniac villain Fire Bug.

Disgusted with what she saw as the corporate funded corruption of the Justice Corps and the elitist snobbery of the Freedom Force, she decided to found her own supergroup to restore the true memory of the Cadre and become true city wide protectors of the people and, though so far the recruits she has can only patrol the northern sectors, the Red Line is starting to get attention, both positive from the populace and negative from the other major heroic groups in town.

Aurora is energetic, idealistic and totally dedicated to protecting the city and its citizens and honoring the legacy of her idol Battle Babe, whom she refuses to believe perished in the fall but escaped and is waiting to come back and help restore the Cadre when someone is worthy of her. She tends to leap before she thinks and is somewhat naïve about the world, but her dedication might yet make her the most prominent heroine in the city and certainly the most beloved.

Eversor’s notes: Try experiments with her failing as a leader and mentor and how that affects her powers.


Powers: Manipulation of silver as a metal.

Strength: 6

Agility: 5

Stamina: 8

Intelligence: 5

Speed: 5

Fighting: 8

Amaari Cooper lost her sister in the post fall chaos and saw her family be put on the streets and her father working himself to an early grave to care for her sickly mother who died soon after when the Takeshi corporation bought out their housing estate and put them on the street during one of the early unscrupulous corporate raids on property to help “restore” the city post fall.

Becoming an angry and bitter young woman Amaari joined with an anarchist group protesting and sabotaging Takeshi Corp and other corporate interests and causing riots. When her powers manifested the group graduated to more overt attacks on corporate interests until they became so much of a nuisance that corporate enforcers, supported by a Justice Corps heroine informed that they were terrorists (Not too far from the truth) was sent to take them down.

Angry and impulsive the group fought back supported by Amaari but were no match for the experiences Corps heroine and well equipped and trained enforcers and was quickly overwhelmed and arrested with a few casualties though Amaari managed to escape as the ramshackle building they had been squatting in came down during the fighting.

Watching her friends being killed or getting long prison sentences radicalized Amaari even more and she was saved only from becoming a full scale terrorist by meeting Aurora who managed to convince her that it was a path that would only lead to her own destruction and to instead become a protector of the weak from the corporate oppression and villainous and beast attacks. When Aurora founded the Red Line Amaari was her first recruit and took the name Silverbolt.

A brash and angry young woman Silverbolt cares more about standing up to “the man” than being a traditional heroine, but she tries to honor her parents by sticking out for her community against any oppressors making her one of the more localized Red Line heroines sticking mostly to the Franklin and Delaware sectors.

She is, however, proud of the group she and Aurora put together and will support their mission with all her heart even if she doesn’t care about the Cadre or its legacy.

Eversor’s notes: Focus experiments on if her anger feeds her powerlevels… and if other negative emotions like humiliation and shame can do the same if so?


Powers: Intuitive tactical understanding and enhanced kinetic impact

Strength: 4

Agility: 7

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 5

Speed: 6

Fighting: 9

Micheala Quinn wanted nothing more than to be a heroine as far back as she can remember. Growing up on stories of the old Cadre from her father than used to be a communications technician at the tower, though not working on the day of the fall, she wished for Heroine outfits at 5 years old and began to “train” the very next day for her career.

Unlike most children she never grew out of the phase and trained relentlessly, especially as she grew older and could begin to do it for real and with actual efficiency. The day her powers manifested was the happiest day of her life. Then she tested for Justice Corps… and they rejected her. And tested for Freedom Force and they rejected her. And several smaller local groups… and they rejected her. Her powers were simply too modest. Beyond the “Standard” metahuman enhancements to strength, speed and stamina her only power is that her punches and kicks hits about twice as hard as they should, and no group thought that was worth the risk of her defeat.

Heartbroken she nonetheless persevered as a street level anti-gang crimefighter in the Pankev sector until Aurora casting a wide net for recruits invited her to join the Red Line. An offer she jumped on eagerly.

Equally desperate to prove herself as she is to protect the innocent, Michaela is prone to taking risks, but none can deny her dedication.

Eversor’s Notes: Assumed to be a virgin. Try standard experiment on power increase through sexual stimulation.


Powers: Adaptive ability to have opposite powers to whatever she faces. (If she is up against fire, she gets ice powers for the duration)

Strength: 6

Agility: 6

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 7

Speed: 7

Fighting: 5

Daniella Cash used to be the member of the regional heroine group Amazon Fury back in the days of the Cadre. They mostly protected the northern sectors of the city and were quite successful but due to low numbers never achieved true citywide acclamation.

They were one of the groups that went to the fatal meeting at the tower during the fall and Daniella only escaped because she was late after having been defeating a few fishmen mutants.

Blaming herself for not being with her group when they needed her most and being seen with some suspicion from the public and surviving heroines that she knew about the attacks and deliberately stayed away from the meeting.

She fought in the post fall chaos and regained some public trust by assisting in pacifying some of the northern sectors and by defeating the Hammer during his public rampage. After that she became a solo heroine in the Liberty sector as she knew the Justice Corps or especially the freedom Force would not want her for their teams. This made her familiar with the young Aurora and when the Red Line was formed Daniella agreed to join to restore her good name, both for the public but especially for herself.

Daniella is an extremely experienced heroine and dedicated to the heroic ideals of justice and protection of the innocent, however her lingering survivors guilt and desire to be seen as a looked up to heroine can make her can lead her to make impulsive and badly thought out decisions though tempered by her many years of active service.

Eversor’s notes: Classic survivors guilt scenario. Experiment to increase that guilt to overload to test power fluctuations with severe emotional stress.


Powers: Creating energy blades.

Strength: 4

Agility: 7

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 5

Speed: 8

Fighting: 8

Asuka Tanaka is the youngest member of the Red Line and has in fact been a heroine for less than a year. Growing up on her grandfather’s stories of her family’s storied past back in Japan as honorable retainers for successive generations of the Tokugawa shoguns when her powers manifested, she immediately decided to become a heroine and continue the tradition oof protecting the people and serving her city.

This was when Aurora first putout the call for heroines to join the Red Line and Asuka was accepted more out of need for numbers than any real experience or skill and have spent the last months being trained by the other members but is now ready to go on her first patrols.

She has a curious mix of the serious-minded reserve proper to a samurai and the unbounded enthusiastic energy of a teenage rookie heroine and her passion for justice will see her become a great protector of the city… or lead her into serious trouble.

Eversor’s notes: How much of her power is based on her perception of “honor?” Try mutant sex to see if her sense of pride can handle that and what it will do.

Steele Sapphire

Powers: Flight and skin armor.

Strength: 7

Agility: 5

Stamina: 6

Intelligence: 2

Speed: 5

Fighting: 7

Barbara “Barbie” Davies was one of the earliest recruits to the Justice Corps after its official founding. Her powers manifest shortly before the group was put together and her career as a solo heroine while unspectacular was successful enough to get the then Corpo liaison John Abumwagha to recruit her.

She is not the most intelligent of heroines and does not realize she was mostly hired for her looks, to create buzz and public support for the fledging corporate sponsored group.

She quickly became something of an embarrassment to the team with her multitude of defeats and failed missions but was kept on the roster due to her having become the girlfriend of the new liaison Neurodyne VP for Meta human relations Logan Morrell.

However, after yet another humiliating and publicly broadcast defeat Morrell “broke up” with her and she got expelled from the group.

Continuing her career solo, she jumped at the chance to redeem herself in the Red Line and get revenge on her “unfaithful boyfriend” by showing how great she can be. Aurora was not keen on taking her but desperate to make up the groups numbers she accepted Barbara to the team.

Barbara is well… a bimbo. She is good natured, sweet and a dedicated heroine but also vapid and strangely naïve about how much of her career and relationship were based around her looks and nothing else. However, she is truly a good person and her dedication the protecting the city is second to none.

Eversor’s notes: Will power surge through humiliation/confidence regain still work on someone this stupid? Worth a try.

Alia Savage

Powers: Animalistic senses and super strength.

Strength: 9

Agility: 6

Stamina: 8

Intelligence: 5

Speed: 6

Fighting: 8

Alia Martin was born shortly after the fall in one of the small farming exclave villages that supplied Spirit City with food in return for protection from the dangers of the animals, mutants and raiders of the wild lands after the event. She grew up in an uncertain world of peril and danger after contact was severed with Spirit City in the chaos following the fall and watched many of her family and members of her community get injured or killed by the dangers of the wild.

Only Fire Queen, the only heroine assigned to such a small exclave kept the community protected and she was overwhelmed with the amount of threats to deal with as well as trying to reestablish communication with the city.

Perhaps because of this dangerous environment Alia broke through and manifested powers much earlier than most and already at 13 she was working with Fire queen to train and hone her skills to assist in protecting the community. Then when she was 15 Fire Queen was lost to a mutant breeder and Alia became her settlement’s only protector. Fighting hard to shield her community from all dangers she was raised with a strong distrust and sense of betrayal towards Spirit City only tempered by Fire Queen’s loyalty to her native city, so when the city restored communication and offered to reestablish the old protection for food agreement she was chosen to go there to negotiate. Once in the city she found herself fascinated and repulsed by the place in equal measure and when the agreement had been struck and proper security forces dispatched, she chose to stay in Spirit City to learn more about it.

Alia is a brash and impulsive young woman. Quick to anger and offense, she fits the city folks’ idea of a wild barbarian prone to violence though her sense of protection of the innocent is ironclad. She joined the Red Line seeing in the group kindred souls as outcast protectors of the people in comparison to the self-satisfied and corruption she despises in Justice Corps and Freedom Force.

Eversor’s notes: Standard humiliation experiment with added element of “civilization breaking her”. Rage to powerlevel research.


Powers: Force field generation

Strength: 5

Agility: 6

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 5

Speed: 6

Fighting: 6

Amanda Kottrick grew up in the Franklin sector in the aftermath of the chaos war. As one of the impoverished northern sectors that received little corporate attention, it took years longer than most of the city for her home to regain its former prosperity and Amanda grew up in poverty.

This fostered a sense of community with the citizens that didn’t turn to petty crime and as Amanda’s father had worked as a technician in the tower for the Grey Cadre she grew up idolizing the heroines of old.

As the chaos subsided and Franklin began to rebuild she studied the adventures of Freedom Force and the Justice Corps and the regional heroines wishing to join them.

When she was tested and found to be have meta abilities she began to train night and day and though her first mission did not go according to plan she is ever more determined to make a name for herself and find her place in the heroine community.

Eversor’s notes: Experiment delta Base 1. Highest priority. Great potential.