Justice Queen
Powers: Spatial awareness and kinetic shock blast
Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Stamina: 7
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 6
Fighting: 7
One of the few members of the Grey Cadre to survive the Fall, Namibah Williams was unlike her Freedom Force counterpart Justicar, not serving away from the tower during the fatal gathering but assigned to one of the science station exclaves outside the city.
Returning to fight in the chaos war she grew increasingly disillusioned with the ability of the city’s politicians and remaining heroines to quell the ongoing chaos and even after the situation had stabilized, she saw only trouble ahead. Becoming jaded she began to believe that only a strong hand could save the city and when Neurodyne offered the funds needed to found Justice Corps and looked for a famous heroine to lead it, she accepted the call.
In the years since she had struggled to balance the demands of being a team leader and public face of her group as well as the demands of working with her backers with her genuine desire to protect the city but as the balance has become more and more precarious, she has started going on missions herself again just to get away from the politics.
A jaded and bitter woman full of regrets. She has become a cynical pessimist that desperately tries to find the meaning in her work that led her to the Cadre in her youth, yet feels it slip ever further away with every compromise she is forced to make.
Eversor’s notes: Suggested experiment. How does sense of utter futility affect her power-levels when juxtaposed against cynical disillusionment.

Justice Princess
Powers: Force field generation.
Strength: 4
Agility: 7
Stamina: 6
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 7
Fighting: 6
Hitomi Hitoshi. Sister of a high-ranking Neurodyne Corporation executive is the corporate assigned deputy leader of the Justice Corps and the primary contact to Corporate Liaison Morell.
A ruthless and cunning woman who is completely loyal to her family above all else; her job is to push Justice Queen and the Corps to advance the interests of Neurodyne as much as possible while protecting the city and not let other corporate interests get a foothold in the Corps.
An effective field leader of the group, she is as effective and practical in a fight as she is in the headquarters. The only thing that can get her to lose her confidence is her anger at Ninja Girl as the two had worked very closely together and she sees the defection as personal failure and insult and any perceived lack of respect towards her dignity as a heroine and Hitoshi princess.
Eversor’s notes. Experiment should focus on enslavement and the breaking of her privileged emotional self perception and its effect on her powers.

Powers: Super strength and stamina through solar radiation
Strength: 10
Agility: 7
Stamina: 10
Intelligence: 4
Speed: 6
Fighting: 8
Louise Adams is the scion of an old important American family that supplied several presidents and important political figures. While America theoretically still exists along with most other nation states, in practice the local megacity authorities have taken over from a centralized national government and for Louise while she understands the necessity of this, she hates it as she was brought up with a strong historical connection to the old United States.
Thinking about going into politics when she was younger, when her powers manifested, she instead embraced the chance to become a “true American heroine” and remind people of the glory of the country of their heritage.
She joined the Justice Corps as they were at the time the only major group operating citywide and she felt the more exposure she could get they more she could inspire people to uphold and remember the ideals and honor of America.
She is an idealistic and honorable woman truly dedicated to the ideals she espouses. She wants to protect the innocent and inspire the population to reinvent Spirit City along more American idealistic lines so is troubled by the idea of being corporate instead of publicly funded for does not feel she can leave her teammates behind.
Eversor’s notes: Feed ideological pride but make her a failure to research confidence vs. foundational strength power basis.

Lady Obsidian
Powers: Kinetic absorption to strength
Strength: 3 (10)
Agility: 7
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 3
Speed: 5
Fighting: 7
Shuvi Chambers was a minor meta human whose powers manifested about as weakly as possible while still being able to be detected. Disappointed in her hope of becoming a heroine she was offered an experimental genetic treatment by Neurodyne to boost her abilities in return for a lifelong contract with Justice Corps should it be effective.
The experiment worked very well, with her powers rising exponentially. Sadly, it also appeared that the treatment have had a secondary detrimental effect as her level of rationality and intelligence seem to have gone precipitously down. From a normal woman she is now something that can best be described as a bit of a dumb bimbo.
The experiment happened just after Blue Steele had been removed from the group and Shuvi stepped right into the same role both for the group but also in Logan Morrell’s bed.
Despite her limited reasoning she is a dedicated and devoted heroine wanting nothing more than to do good and protect the city. She is aware that she is the eye candy for her group but her boyfriend Morrell assured her it was for a good cause. Something about PR but she didn’t think too much about it because of course he was right. He is always right.
Eversor’s notes: Those quacks at Neurodyne did not even approach me: The worlds GREATEST meta human bio scientist for aid in their silly little experiment to improve the abilities of Obsidian. If they had the intelligence diminishing would have NEVER happened but they suffer because they ignored my GENIUS and… Focus on standard humiliation treatment qua intelligence perception for baseline comparison.

Powers: Fire manipulation and self-purge
Strength: 4
Agility: 7
Stamina: 7
Intelligence: 5
Speed: 6
Fighting: 6
Rebecca Carrella’s powers manifested right around the time when Freedom Force was first starting to truly cut into the dominance of the Justice Corps as the premiere heroine organization of the city and both groups were heavily recruiting.
Growing up on stories of the Cadre and desperately wanting to be part of preventing another period of catastrophic anarchy like the chaos war, Rebecca never really had a choice but to become a heroine when she realized she was a meta human. Disgusted with the elitism and snobbery she saw in the Freedom Force and despite her strong reservations about the Corporations growing influence over the city she chose to join the Justice Corps.
Dedicated and driven in her fight for justice and peace yet far more grounded in practicality than Patriotica’s high ideals, she embodies all the best traits of the paragon heroine. Unselfish, cheerful, brave, confident, protective and honorable, Neurodyne value her skill and the PR it gives them to have her regarding public attitudes so are clearly grooming her for future leadership.
Recently however Rebecca has begun an investigation into Morell as she believes she has uncovered evidence of his corruption and connections to gangs and even supervillains which might lead her to a confrontation with the Corps leadership and Neurodyne itself.
Eversor’s notes: Open her eyes to the true nature of her group and improving her Neurodyne enhancements.

Golden Gladiator
Powers: Super strength and muscle mass shift
Strength: 9
Agility: 5
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 4
Speed: 5
Fighting: 8
Berenice “Bernie” Rollin is the blunt force of the Justice Corps and a hammer to the scalpel that used to be Ninja Girl. She is the one they deploy when the situation calls for pure violence without any real consideration for subtlety or even collateral damage.
It is said that female villains are rare since the radiation that causes meta mutations seem to also instill a certain level of a sense of beneficence in women unlike men who almost universally become evil sociopaths, but Bernie is an example of one that probably would have been if not probably controlled and focused by the Corps.
Brash, violent, arrogant, selfish and close to sadistic Bernie is the quintessential bully only with meta human super strength. Even Neurodyne and the Corps leadership treats her with a level of wary distance, keeping her as controlled as possible before letting her blow off steam and get her impulses satisfied on whatever foe, usually mutants or the more physically imposing villains that might pop up so she don’t go on a rampage that would require her to be dealt with both for the sake of PR but also for the costs of destruction.
Bernie has no real heroic drive, but she recognizes the need to keep the city safe and prosperous so she can sate her desires without always looking over her shoulder so she fights as hard as her nature will allow to fulfill her duty in the Corps… as long at least as people are watching.
Eversor’s Note. Dangerous. Might lose her temper. Experiment with rage vs. control on power levels but outsource to more… hands on vendor,