The world of Spirit City


The heroine files

You want to know more about the people that call Spirit City home?

But of course you may peruse my files. One should always reward those that recognize then GENIUS of my research and knowledge.

So learn about the heroines of the city… and the villains and know how to use it for the benefit of SCIENCE!

Doctor Eversor ALWAYS provides!

The Red Line

The Red Line is the newest Major Heroine group in the city. Young idealists and rag tag outcasts not deemed good enough for the more established groups in the city. Dedicated and idealistic it makes them true popular heroines. Champions of the little guy. The oppressed. The unfortunate. But not yet a cohesive team and very inexperienced.

Eversor’s Note: VERY good subjects for experiments into superheroine psycho-sexuality based on breaking spirit and idealism.

Freedom Force

The Freedom Force is the second of the large recognized major heroine groups in Spirit City.

Considering themselves the true heirs to the old Grey Cadre they have a strong tinge on elitism and arrogance but are truly dedicated to justice and making the city a safer and better place for its citizens.

Eversor’s Note: Wonderful experimental subjects into the crossline between overweening confidence and elitist arrogance combined with legitimate idealism.

If broken and restored what can that do?

Justice Corps

Justice Corps was the first major heroine group to be re-established after the Chaos War.

Sponsored, and wagging tongues might even say owned and controlled by the powerful Neurodyne Corporation with the groups heroine’s often enhanced by Neurodyne’s scientists, the group is accused of being little more than paid thugs by corporate interests but none can deny their effectiveness in protecting the city… and their corporate sponsor’s interests, against any threat.

Eversor’s Note: Their strange mix of dedicated duty and cynical corruption make them good subjects experiments in to mindset breaking. Also a chance to take revenge on Neurodyne for REFUSING to ACCEPT my biochemical knowledge and worldclass GENIUS!


Of course there are also less savory elements in Spirit City.

Villains. Criminals. Mutants.

Whether trying to take control of the city, or simply performing petty crime or being little other than mindless beasts raiding the surface for food, resources and breeding materials there as always a wide variety of threats the the heroines of Spirit City to face.

Eversor’s Notes: The database was corrupted during the unfortunate incident with Justice Queen and the Neurodyne hackers. Only a few files are currently uploaded and up to date. Make sure to work on this as information is retrieved.